Inland the monumental escarpment of the Serra Geral plateau rears upwards, its misty cliffs topped with ancient monkey puzzle trees. The mountain range is cut by dozens of majestic canyons each of which has its own microclimate. These canyons and the rugged, semi-wild country that surrounds them offer some of the best hiking in southern Brazil.
Our preferred accommodation
Parador Casa da Montanha
Lodge/Hosteria - Cambará do SulSmall lodge close to the Itaimbézinho canyon in Aparados da Serra National Park. The main building houses the restaurant with fine views over the river Camarinhas, a friendly sitting area/bar, a small indoor heated pool and showers.Refugio Pedra Afiada
Lodge/Hosteria - Malacara canyonAt the mouth of the Cânion Malacara near the small town of Praia Grande. Pedra Afiada is a small lodge in a spectacular setting with a lovely fire in the main sitting/dining area in the evening. Breakfast and dinner are included and excursions for the following day are discussed each evening.Refugio Rio Canoas
Lodge/Hosteria - Near UrubiciA snug mountain lodge high on the spectacular Serra Geral highlands surrounded by monkey puzzle (araucaria) trees and run by photographer Juan Rivas Beasley and his gaucha wife Giseli. The main building contains two sitting areas with fires on split levels, and a dining area. The food is very good.